Content Media | February 14, 2023

Ransomware and it’s torments

Ransomware é um tipo de software malicioso utilizado por cibercriminosos para bloquear o acesso a sistemas ou para criptografar dados, “sequestrando-os” e utilizando-os como meio para cobrar resgate dos proprietários dos dados. Ataques desse tipo têm aumentado exponencialmente nos últimos anos...

Content Media | December 15, 2022

Interview – Compliance on Top Yearbook 2022

Interview given by the founder partner for the Compliance on Top Yearbook 2022 about Crisis Management, considering his remarkable expertise on the area.

Media | November 18, 2022

Compliance and trivialization of control embarrassment of the Brazilian Anti-Corruption Law.

The article was written jointly by Dr. David Rechulski and Cesar Janoti concerning the importance of compliance programs in the context of the punitive application of the Brazilian Anti-Corruption Law.

Media | November 20, 2022

The legislative authority spirit and the enforcement of the Brazilian Anti-Corruption Law.

Article written by David Rechulski and Ricardo Pagés regarding the real scope of incidence of item V of article 5 of the Brazilian Anti-Corruption Law.

Media | July 4, 2017

Specialist in Anti-Corruption Compliance, ex-CGU Luiz Navarro is the newest partner at David Rechulski Advogados

The David Rechulski Advogados firm, named by the Anuário Publicidade Advocacia 500, is one of the most admired in the country in the specialized Criminal Law segment, now with the experience of the former minister of the Federal Comptroller General...

Media | December 5, 2019

Compliance Officer: A MISSÃO

Article written by Dr. David Rechulski about the function of the Compliance Officer in accordance with Brazilian legislation.

Media | September 12, 2005


The show promoted by the Federal Police exclusively for TV Globo, which showed images in Jornal Nacional on Saturday (10/9), when Flávio Maluf was unnecessarily handcuffed to a helipad in Morumbi (western São Paulo) will be the object of an...

Media | July 4, 2017

Why did the STF release Dirceu and send Bruno back to prison?

José Dirceu's preventive detention (left) was suspended while Bruno Fernandes had to go back to prison.

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